Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

Millo's Short Story


            On beautiful morning, situation in Sukamaju village is still quiet. There is no one that looked, just sound of birth, sound of pet and once in a while heard sound of playing child. Some times later, there are two children run happily. They are Jackie and Jane. They come from different social level. Jackie comes from poor family, but different with Jane. She comes from rich family and her family is popular in their village. Although they are different, but they believe that one day they will success and change their life. Jackie said,” I promise that, one day I will make my family happy especially you.” After hear what Jackie saying, Jane feel shy but she is happy. She said,” if you are success, one day I will meet you.” Actually, since the beginning Jane has already known that Jackie was like him, but he hesitate because Jackie had never expressed love to him.
On Tuesday morning, the day went as usual. Every morning Jacky always pass in front of Jane's house and go to school together. Jacky just stay in front of the house and does not dare calls Jane because her father is sternly. Jane's father is Mr. Gatot and his mother is Mrs.Murni. Mr Gatot has known as a man of noble in village because he is one of rich man's villages. Jane's father is very stern and he does not like Jane's friends with poor people like Jacky. Does not like her father, Jane’s mother is kind, friendly and beautiful. Not long after Jane go out from her room, but suddenly Mr.Gatot calls her. Mr.Gatot said, "My daughter Jane, you are a smart girl, rich, beautiful and you are my daughter, why do you still make friend with Jack? He does not make you happy! Hearing his father says that, Jane just silent because he knew his father was a stubborn person. Moments later Mrs.Murni appears, "let's breakfast” Jane said, "sorry mom this day I will breakfast in school because I should not be late. After saying goodbye Jane then quickly goes out of her house, because he knew Jackie was waiting her. Some minutes later Jane came out with a sad face, but he try to cover up his grief from Jacky because he does not make his heart hurt with this story. Jane said, "Morning Jack, ow ... I do not accept the new guard he..he..he " Jane try to make Jack does not suspect. Although Jane seemed happy but, he knows that there is something that make Jane looked depressed earlier. Eventually the school gate seen, they are not late. Jacky said, "We almost late! They ran to the classroom and began prepare equipment for the final exam today. Jacky said, "what is subject today "Jane laughed after hear that" today is English, have you learned? Definitely not! "Jacky said," wow a good guess, thank you for your attention" The exam begins and the guardian is Mr. Firsyad, but usually all students call him Virus ha..ha..ha, why? Because he is a discipline and authoritarian teacher so it make all students lazy he..he..he. 120 minutes was over. All student have completed the exam well, but not with Jacky. He still has not been completed, with the hand hold his head and pencil in his mouth he try to think and think until finally the bell has sounded. Virus takes all the exam questions and says something, "the announcement results of your examination will be placed in board information three days later.”Hearing that Jackie realizes about graduate high school and she still think about her future”. After Jane drove home with his old bike, he went home and talk with his mother. Jacky only life with his mother after his father died when he was 1 year. Jacky's mother name is Ellis he is the best mother to Jacky. Elis take care Jacky by becoming an herbalist. Even so, Jacky was always proud with his mother.
         After 3 days of waiting with fear and worry, finally today is coming. The announcement of the exam has been posted on the board information. We can see two students were sitting and ponder under a wish tree. Yes, they are Jacky and Jane. They did not dare look at their exam results may be because they fear their names not on the list of students who graduated. But that is not the problem Jane invites Jackie because there is something. Jane said. “We are unconscious that we have finished our Senior High School“. Since childhood we were always together, now we have 18 years old, what do you plan?" Jacky was not surprised because he already knows if Jane wants to talk about this. Jacky said, "I want to help my mother make a money Jane, actually I want to go to college but our economical problem is not support."Jane said," is that all you can? Last time, you ever say you want make your parent happy right? If you like this, you will not be anything Jack! You just are a child of the herbalist, and eventually you will be herbalist too." Jacky was shocked when they heard it. Jacky said, "What do you mean? Do not ever underestimate the herbalist, I do not like you say like this! "Actually, Jack was angry not because Jane told me like that, but he was angry because why he is not rich, why he did not smart like Jane. Jacky felt regretted, he should not angry with Jane because Jane’s saying is true. Jane said, "Sorry if what I said has hurt you, I just want to give advice to you because I may not always with you." Hearing Jane’s said, Jacky was shocked, this time he did not know what is Jane’s mean. Before Jackie asks to Jane, Jane was gone. She went to see the announcement of exam results. Jacky decide to not follow Jane, but she try to think about what was Jane’s said. Jacky folds his knees and try to think, (in fact what happened? Why suddenly she said that? He is smart he is hiding something from me.) Some time then, suddenly Jane came and embracing him from behind, Jane said, "horrey! We have graduated. Jackie was not surprised because she has graduated, but he was surprised because this is the first time Jane hug him during his life. Moments later a two looked at each other, Jackie said,"Oops ... sorry Jane." Jane, "Ah it's okay, can you take me home now? Without wasting time Jackie immediately take her with his old bike.
Today is a very exciting day for Jackie. With the old bike he drove home a girl that has been there in his dream. Jane may be just this name that always there is in Jackie’s mind today. He surely Jane will response him love, so Jackie had the intention to declare love to Jane today. Finally they arrived in Jane’s house. Jane went to Jackie and say goodbye, and then she runs inside. For a while Jackie was standing like a statue because he was confused by the meaning behind the smile Jane, Jane did not smile as usual. Jackie was standing in same place, (whether it's happy smile or what?) After a few time Jackie saw the Red Lancer Evolution car out of the Jane’s house. Looking it, Jackie is more confused. Jackie said, "tomorrow I will ask him and show love to him,      (hmm.., maybe he is waiting for me to show my love he..he..he). Although in his mind is full of question marks, Jackie tried to decrease his worried with positive thinking.
At 10 p.m, Jackie still had not returned. Ellis confused because usually his son always comes home at 9 p.m in the night. Ellis decided to look for around the village, not long before she saw her son standing in front of Jane's house. Ellis said, Jackie was my son ... why are you standing in front of Jane's house? Let’s go home son, the mother was making dinner for you. Jackie was surprised because he was still in front of the Jane’s house, Jackie said, "mom ... sorry, because I made you worry. Jackie and her mother go to their home. After dinner and have night pray, Jackie try to close his eyes but could not, until finally he fells asleep.
Jackie woke up early and takes a bath, after it without breakfast he wants to go out. Jackie runs to Jane’s house, after arrive there he saw the empty house and just leave message "SOLD" in front of the fence. Jackie's heart broken, he could not believe what he saw. So, yesterday was their last day together, until now no one knows where is Jane. Jackie is a strong boy, but this time he is crying. Jackie remembers all memory when they were together. 18 years they together, and now they must break without certainly. Very painful to Jackie, maybe this is the biggest test in Jackie’s life. While he knows about love, then he also knows a pain that very sore. Jackie just remembers Jane’s says, "IF ONE DAY YOU ARE SUCCESS, I WILL COME HERE TO MEET YOU AGAIN." Jackie try to find his purpose in life, (I will success! And I will make my mother happy) that is Jackie's purpose in his life today. Without wasting time, Jackie hurry go home and meet with his mother. When opening the door she saw his mother was sleeping, Jackie saw his mother's face that has begin to wrinkle. Jackie speaks in his heart, (mother, I'm sorry mom ... now I realize that only you were always care with me, always trying to give me whatever that  I want, even though I know you can not afford. From now on I will be the best for you. I will try to find a job in the city. Jackie then lay beside her mother until finally he slept.
28th February 2007, today Jackie intend to go to city to change his life. After take a bath, Jackie try to discuss about his intention go to city with his mother. Firstly Ellis sad when she must let her son go, but he do not want to ruin his intention to succeed. After Jackie prepare everything to go to the city, with high spirit he decided to go to Bandung. Elli was crying because she could not imagine how the fate of his son there. Elli can not give money, but he just gives a prayer. After saying goodbye, Jackie walked away from his house with crying because he worries about his mother’s life here. He was determined to be successful and come home with happiness for his mother. On his journey, he remembered when he was with Jane; laugh together, joke together, and when they hide from Mr.Gatot. Jackie has been 12 hours sitting on a bus in journey to Bandung. Finally he arrived in Bandung. He did not plan anything here. He just had a strong intention to be successful. Jackie takes a rest in mosque. Not a moment later Jackie saw a girl crying side a road, may be she gets a problem with her car. Jackie try to help her, Jackie said, "What can I do for you? Her name is Sheila. She is the only child of Bambang Suharto, one of the successful entrepreneurs in Bandung. Sheila said, “Yes please, who are you? Why you did bring a lot of bags? Jackie then explains why he was gone. Sheila said, “Do you have a family here?” Jackie said, “I do not have family here, but I have mother in the village. I want to look for a job here. After heard Jackie’s said, Sheila feels sympathy to Jack. “Sheila said, my father has some restaurants and you can get a job there. Jackie said, “Are you sure? Thank you so much, waits. What is your name?” Sheila said,” my name is Sheila Suharto, and you? “Jackie said, Muhammad Aditya Muzaky, but you can call me Jack. Sheila fell in love to Jack. Finally, Jackie works in Bambang Suharto’s restaurant. Every morning Sheila always comes to restaurant because she want to see Jackie. Mr. Bambang feels happy because he saw his daughter has positive activity, did not like previously that always shopping with her friends and just spend her money to many things that unimportant. A week Jackie has worked in restaurant, and mr.Bambang was very like his job because Jackie is honest and very diligent. Jackie lived in boarding house near with the restaurant. He is sitting in front of his boarding house with a cup of milk coffee in his hand. Suddenly Sheila is coming. Sheila,” evening Jack! ”Jackie,” Sheila, what are you doing here? mr.Bambang will angry if he know about it. ”Sheila, stupid! I have got permission, because I will go with you.” Jakie shocked after hear Sheila’s said, Jackie said,” what! You are confidence? Sheila said,” hmm, you do not agree? Ok I will explain to my father about it, he will angry to you!” Because do not wish to make Mr.Bambang disappointed, Jackie agree with Sheila’s invitation. Jackie said,” ok where will you go?” Sheila said, “aaaaaaaaaaah, hurry up! Do not waste of time.” Finally, they go to the game zone. They looked very fun, especially Sheila. Actually, Sheila has planed it all and success. At 9 o’clock p.m they arrive in Jackie’s boarding house. Jackie said,” why you stop here? I will accompany you until your house.” Sheila said,” hey idiot! I can go home alone!” after say good bye, Sheila already to go home but, suddenly Sheila feels there is problem with her car. Sheila said,” hey..what happened with my car ? This car can not turn on! Can you help me? ” Jackie said,” call you father, your driver will pick up.” Sheila try to call her father (“Father, there is a problem with my car”) Mr.Bambang, (“where are you know honey?”) Sheila, (“I still in Jackie’s boarding house”) Mr.Bambang, (“if you want, you can stay there until tomorrow, harmful if you go home tonight because this have lateness..give your phone for Jackie, I want to talk with him “ ) Sheila,” Jack..my father want to talk with you.” Mr.Bambang, “Jack, I am so sorry if my daughter always disturb you, I hope you let her stay in your home tonight”) Jackie, (“But..but, I am alone in my boarding house sir”) Mr.Bambang,(“ I believe you can save my daughter boy, ok see you tomorrow ”) Jackie said, “ One house ? Two people with different gender, Oh God! Sheila, tonight you can rest in my room..I will sleep on chair in front. Teng...Tong, midnight. Jackie still can not sleep, he remembers about his mother. Suddenly Sheila appear, Sheila,” why you do not sleep? What I disturb you? Jackie,” no.. I remember my mother in village.” Sheila, “Me too, if my mother were, I would be happiest girl in this world. Jackie,” where is your mother?” Sheila,” heaven..my mother was leaved us since Elementary School, she was died because brain cancer.” Jackie said, “I am sorry to hear that, my father was died because accident. He is contractor. After some times later, Sheila said,” I never feel comfort like this, you! You have made me strong. You have made me could enjoy with my life, could made me happy. I just want to say, I love you Jackie. Could you accompany me forever? Jack?” Jackie falls asleep, Jackie still did not know about Sheila’s hearth. Sheila,” you was slept? I am sorry Jack. I have been problem to you. But I wish one day you will know about what I fell have a nice dream Jack. Before her back to her room, Sheila give a kiss in Jackie’s forehand and close Jack’s body with blanket.     
In early morning Jack gets up and walks to bath room, but he looks a girl was praying. She is Sheila.  She looked so beautiful when she wear it. Jack unconscious when he looks Sheila until suddenly there is lizard fall on his head. Jackie shock and than walk to bath room.  Jackie has down prayer with prayer mat in living room. This morning Sheila wants to invite Jack talk a walk around Jack’s boarding house. In the street Jack meets with her neighbor, he is Joan. Joan, “morning Jack, wow who is she? She is very beautiful, is she your girl friend?” Jack just smile and no say anything. He is Jack, since Jane leaves him. They arrive in Jack’s boarding house. Sheila,” Could you accompany me go home? I will come back study in campus.” Jack,” sure. Teet…some times later mr.Bambang open the door. Sheila,” father..I miss you.” Mr.Bambang said, ow...What happen with my princess? You look so happy today, hmm I know. Sheila,” I want to back to campus father.” Mr.Bambang,” good, I will handle it all. Can you give your prince something? Hmm. Sheila,” ok father.” Mr.Bambang,”Sit down please. Actually I am very happy if I see my daughter smile and active like this. Thak’s for all son, I hope she do not lose her smile forever.” Jack,” that is all do not because of me, basicly she is nice girl.” Mr.Bambang,” do you love her? I hope, one day if I will dead, there is someone that save her like you. Ow...do you want continue your education?” Jack,” every month I must transfer money to my mother sir, so I think it is difficult for me sir.”
Mr.Bambang,”do not worry about it Jack, I will handle all. You must study hard to can take your dream boy, do not worry about cost.”Jackie,” thak’s a lot sir. I do not know how I must pay it.” Mr.Bambang,” Do not over, you cans my daughter smile. It is big reward for me Jack.” Sheila,” hmm..do not too serious, I bring some fresh orange jus for you all. Enjoy it. After some hour Jack stay in Sheila’s house, he is going to his boarding house.
            Today is the first day Jack goes to campus. He studies in same campus with Sheila. Jackie is smart student in their class. He always gets good score in his exam. After go back from campus usually Jackie and Sheila go to restaurant to work. Jack’s mother was felt very happy when Jack was sent her letter.  4 years run very fast, this year Sheila and Jack will graduate. Mr.Bambang feels very happy, he does not belives his daughter will be a doctor. He is very proud to her. Besides that this year will be best year for Jack, because his mother will come to Bandung for attend her son graduate. 28 February 2011 is special day for all students that have passed and that day is today. Sheila comes with her father and Jack. They sit in front line. Jack looked worry because until this time his mother does not come yet. But a moment later Elli comes and she looked confused, she lookin for her son. When Jackie looks his mother, he run to his mother and embrace his mother. Sheila and her father follow Jack and they meet with Jack’s mother. Jack,” mom..I miss you mom, how are you mom, are you fine?” Elli,” Miss you too my son, I am fine, every day I always think about you Jack.” Jack,” Mom, he is Mr.Bambang, he is a man that always I tell you in my letter mom. And she is Sheila mom.” Elli,” Thank you so much Mr.Bambang, I do not know how can I pay this all, I always pray to God for you, I hope God hear pray this poor widow. Sheila? You are so beautiful girl, thank you very much. This moment be touch moment, Jack can not stop his tear. Finally, Mr.Sastro Wardiharjo Ningrat as a head of university has started his speech. They come back to their chair. After speech, Mr.Sastro calls all students that graduate go to state and graduation moment has begun. Mr.Bambang and Elli can not stop their tear, they proud to their children. After this session finish, next agenda is read of poem. The poem will be read by Jane, and the tittle is One Last Breath. After heard Jane’s name Jack was surpised, he hopes she is not Jane that he has known. But, appear a girl with innocence face, long black hair, and light skin, she is Jane. Not only Jack, Elli was also surprised.
This is a complicated moment for Jack. When he has forgotten about Jane, and he was found new page with Sheila, that moment also suddenly Jane came back. Graduation ceremony has finished. Jack run looking for Jane, but he only find Mr.Gatot. Jack said,” Mr.Bambang, do you have some minutes for me?”Mr,Gatot,” what do you want ? Do not waste my time.”Jack,” where is Jane?” Mr.Bambang,” it is not your business.”Jack,”5 years I tortured.”Mr.Bambang,”Jack, actually that is all best way to Jane.” Jack,” what do you mean? I am confused. Please tell me all about Jane.”
            Mr.Bambang tell all, why they was gone. 5 years ago, they leaved village because they went to Singapore. Jane has got dangerous disease. There is cancer in her head, and her life is not long. Jane was decided to gone, because she would not jack sad if one day he has died. Jack said,” Oh God! She is nice girl, why you want to take her? What do you want God?” Mr.Bambang,” Jack..she is very miss you, every day she always hunt news abot you, she is very love you Jack. Jack,” May I meet her sir, where is she now?”
Mr.Bambang,” Murni was accompanied her went to hospital, because some minutes ago she was unconscious. Sorry Jack, I must go now.” Jack is very sad today, Sheila comes and try to give support for jack. Although she felt very hurt after heard this story from Jack’s mother, but she has known the best girl in Jack heart was Jane. They all decide go to hospital. Arrive in hospital Jack can not hide his sorrow. Jack,” Jane..what are you doing there ! Let’s play.” Jane said,” Jack” Jane is crying. Jack,” want you hang out with me? “Jane: “Any where, any time”. Hey Sheila, how do you do” Sheila,” hey Jane, how do you do. Ok let’s go hang out with my car.” They will go to a mountain. Until arrive there, they are lies their body and feel wind blowing. Jane said,” I hope this time everlasting, but I think it is impossible to realize. I have heard many things about you and Sheila.” Jack,” what do you mean?” with small smile Jane says,” Sheila, if one day I have died. I hope you accompany Jack, and do not ever leave him like me.” Sheila feels sad after heard Jane said like that. Sheila,” you are the best Jane, and you will not go anywhere. You will always together with us.” Jane fells very calm and she feels there is not load in her heart. And they sit. Jane said,” Jack.., may I lean on your shoulder?” Jack said,” sure.” Finally, Jane lean her body on Jack shoulder. For the last time Jane look on Jack face and say something in her heart (I LOVE YOU JACK) and at this time Jane is dying. They do not now if Jane died, until Jane drop a red flower from her hand. Jack surprised and scream with crying. Jane was died, they feel very sad, especially Jack. He was remembered all memories with Jane. This is twice time he was lost Jane. And this time, he will not meet with her forever.
            5 years later. Jack and Sheila are doctors. Jack and Sheila have married and they have had a beautiful daughter, she is Janette Sheila Victoria. All family calls her Jane. Elli has lived in Bandung with Jack. They all decide to stay in one house. Finally, they live happily.

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